Facts of life original cast members
Facts of life original cast members


In one making-of special, the girls mentioned how, in the episode "The First Time," the writers initially had the idea of Blair losing her virginity.


The experience of being hired and then fired was so disappointing to Ringwald that, after one scene in the season 2 premiere, she turned down offers to do guest appearances on the show even before she became a movie star. However, the producers decided that they needed an older girl who could be a Foil for Blair, so they dropped Molly and created Jo.

  • Molly Ringwald revealed in an interview that she was originally supposed to stay on as a regular for season 2.
  • Both characters were even given silly rich girl names, Muffy in Square Pegs and Boots in Facts.
  • Typecasting: During the college episodes, Jami Gertz pretty much plays the exact same character she played in Square Pegs.
  • Those Two Actors: Alex Rocco would go on to once again portray Nancy McKeon's father in The Division.
  • In both episodes, Tootie tries to pass for 21 in an over-21 establishment (a bar in one, a casino in the other), tries too hard to seem grown-up (pretending to be a cast member from Fame in one, pretending to be a rich socialite in the other), and tries to hook-up with a boy who is also trying too hard to appear older than he actually is.
  • Recycled Script: Both episodes involving Flyman, "Gone with the Wind" and "Atlantic City", use the exact same plot for Tootie.
  • Coincidentally, his son Mackenzie would join the cast in later seasons as Andy Moffett.

    facts of life original cast members

    John Astin (of The Addams Family fame) guest-starred in the sixth season premiere as Edna's love interest.Real-Life Relative: Tootie's mother Diane is played by Chip Fields, Kim Fields real life mother.Rick Bonner is played by a different actor in The Facts of Life Reunion Movie.The Other Darrin: Blair's mother is played by a different actor in Season 3 than was used in Season 1 and no explanation was given.

    facts of life original cast members

    I Am Not Spock: Nancy McKeon didn't come back for the reunion, in part because of her commitment to The Division, and in part because she didn't want to be Typecast as Jo anymore.Lampshaded periodically to imply the character's hair is not naturally blonde either. Dyeing for Your Art: Lisa Whelchel's hair was dyed blonde for the role of Blair (during her New Mickey Mouse Club run, her hair was a dark brunette).

    facts of life original cast members

  • Disabled Character, Disabled Actor: Geri Jewell, who played Geri, actually has cerebral palsy.
  • Not to mention Geri Jewell as Cousin Geri.
  • Molly Ringwald, during her one season stint (the first one 1979-1980) played Molly Parker.
  • George Clooney as George Burnett during the seventh and eighth seasons.
  • Sherrie Krenn later changed her name to Sherrie Austin and had a career as a country singer.
  • Lisa Whelchel seems to have been given opportunities to display her talents in everything from singing to ventriloquism.

  • Actor Allusion: In the Season 6 episode of "Dear Apple" has Jo mentioning a series of incidents to a computerized advice program as part of her questioning whether she should remain friends with Blair including an incident where Blair (pretending to take a really long shower ) while singing "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" clearly referencing Lisa Whelchel getting her start on the 1970s New Mickey Mouse Club.

  • Facts of life original cast members